Standard Construction Details
Contact Us

Laureen Kornel,
Community Development Director
Community Development Director
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm
In this Department
Please note: Link to DWG file is to a zipped folder containing all the details for that category.
Directional Drilling: Horizontal Directional Drill, Pre-Log Form, As Built Requirements, Typical Plan |
DWG | |
Fiber Optics: Fiber Optic Pull & Splice Box, Conduit Installation |
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Landscaping Root Barrier, Root Pruning, Tree Preservation, Tree Barricade, Retaining Wall, Tree Planting, Container Spacing and more |
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Lift Stations Example Site Plan, Ground Rod Installation, Electrical Equipment Mounting, Conduit, Notes and Requirements |
DWG | |
Miscellaneous: General Notes, Sidewalk & Bike Path Ramp, Dumpster Enclosure, Driveway, Bore & Jack, Pipe Installation, Erosion Control, Road Barricade and more |
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Roadway: Construction Notes, Road Section, Curbs, Paving, Seeding and Mulch, Pavement Cut and Patch, Pavement Butt Joint, Resurfacing, Concrete Paving |
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Sanitary: General Notes, Outside Drop Connection, Shallow Manhole, Inside Drop Connection, Rubber Boot and Precast Joint Connection, Sewer Lateral, Cleanout, Sewer Crossing and more |
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Stormwater: Construction Notes, Spillway, Inlet Apron, Dry Retention, Wet Retention Pond, Manhole Ring and Cover Detail, Under Drain and Exfiltration System, Skimmer and more |
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Streetscape: Sidewalk, Sidewalk End Section, Handicap Ramp, Bench, Trash Receptacle, Street Light, Crosswalk, Sidewalk Section |
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Traffic Calming: Speed Table, Mini-Roundabout, Chicane |
DWG | |
Water: General Notes, Gate Valve and Box, Water Lateral Service, D.I.P. Restrained Joint Table, Backflow Preventer, Water Main Installation, Fire Hydrant Assembly, Water Main Separation, Manual Air Release Valve, and more |