Utility Billing FAQs
Contact Us

Caitlin Weiss,
Utility Billing Supervisor
Utility Billing Supervisor
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm
In this Department
Utility Billing Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I setup a Utility Account? New residents can setup a utility account by visiting City Hall at
1672 South Ridgewood or by emailing Customer Service at service@southdaytona.org. - What is required of me for new service? Residents who are renting must provide the City with a
valid lease and driver’s license. Residents who own, must provide the City with valid ownership
paperwork and driver’s license. - What is the deposit for a new service? Deposits vary depending on size of meter. Most common
deposit is $225. Please call Customer Service at 386-322-3002 to verify your deposit amount. - Can I setup an online portal to pay my bill(s) electronically? Absolutely. Visit
https://ipn2.paymentus.com/cp/csdu and click register now to begin setup. - Do you offer electronic notifications to be notified of due dates and shut offs? Of course! Call
Customer Service at 386-322-3002 to enroll. Save 1-844-309-7105 in your phone as City of South
Daytona. You will begin receiving notifications from this number. - I just finalized my account, when should I expect my deposit? Deposits are applied to the final bill.
Credit balances remaining will be issued via check; this process can take up to 6 weeks from your disconnection date. - When is my utility bill due? Bills are due twenty (20) days after the statement is rendered. Friendly
Tip: If your account number begins with a “1” your bill is due the first week of the month. “2” Second
week of the month and “3” is the third week of the month. - Where is my water meter located? Great question! Our meters have an inground box in the front yard
near the street or sidewalk. If you are not sure, please call Customer Service at 386-322-3002 and
we will have your meter marked. - Is there a fee to pay with a credit card? There are no fees to pay in the office, over the phone or
online with a credit or debit card. - Am I able to extend my due date? Unfortunately, due dates are unable to be changed and are in
accordance with the City Ordinance. - Do I qualify for a payment extension? Per City Ordinance, residents are eligible for a payment
extension once (1) per calendar year. Payments can be extended one (1) week past the shut off
date. - Am I eligible for a payment plan? Per City Ordinance, payment plans shall be provided for owner
accounts only. - May I receive an adjustment for my toilet leak? Unfortunately, per City Ordinance, if the leak
enters the sewer system, the account becomes ineligible for an adjustment. - I just initiated service and would like to setup an online account; however, the system is stating
my account number is invalid. Why am I receiving this message? Residents must wait for their first
utility statements to arrive, for the system to recognize their newly established utility account. - I have a service-related request, can I call in my request? For security purposes we ask all residents
with service-related requests (turn on, turn off, suspension, etc.) send an email to
service@southdaytona.org and our staff will fulfill your request.