Election Information Center

Welcome to the City of South Daytona Election Information Center.  This information is intended to familiarize the City Council, candidates, campaign treasurers, and residents with the duties and responsibilities required under Florida’s Election Laws and the City of South Daytona Charter. Elections in South Daytona are held in even-numbered years on the date established by the Florida Election Code. All municipal elections are non-partisan.

The information contained on this website is not all-inclusive.  If you are considering running for office, you must become acquainted with the relevant Florida election laws and the City of South Daytona Charter which may have a bearing on your campaign or qualifications to run for office. Please contact Becky Witte, Deputy City Clerk at 386-322-3014 for more information.

City Elections

General Elections in the City of South Daytona are held in even-numbered years on the date established by the Florida Election Code for the primary election. The next Election will be held in August 2026.

Municipal elections are non-partisan.  In the City of South Daytona all seats on the City Council are elected at-large.  There are no term limits, and the seats are for four (4) years.

The current City Council:

Mayor William C. Hall (term ends 2028)

Seat 1 Councilman Brandon Young (term ends 2028)

Seat 2 Councilman Doug Quartier (term ends 2026)

Seat 3 Councilwoman Lisa O’Neal (term ends 2026)

Seat 4 Vice-Mayor Eric Sander (term ends 2028)

Running for City Council:

The Deputy City Clerk shall have qualifying forms available for completion by any candidate who wishes to run for the City Council. 

All qualifying forms and the qualifying fee shall be filed by a candidate at the time and on the dates established by the Florida Election Code of each even-numbered year.  2026 Qualifying Dates are yet to be announced.

Campaign Treasurers Reports: The state of Florida will prescribe a schedule for filing Treasurer Reports.  Pursuant to the City of South Daytona Ordinance 17-13, Candidates for City Elections are required to file Campaign Treasurer Reports with Volusia County Supervisor of Elections.

Campaign Treasurer Reports can be reviewed online at Candidate Reports (voterfocus.com) (link opens to external website).

Voter Information:

Book Closing: For more specific information regarding Voter Registration and Book Closing, please contact the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections (386)736-5930 or visit the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections website www.volusiaelections.org (link opens to external website).

Early Voting:  For more specific information regarding Early Voting, or for a list of Early Voting sites, please contact the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections (386)736-5930 or visit the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections website www.volusiaelections.org  (link opens to external website).

Voter Registration: For information about voter registration and for special requirements for first time voters registering by mail, contact the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections (386)736-5930, or visit the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections website www.volusiaelections.org  (link opens to external website).

Vote by Mail Ballots: Voters who are unable to visit the polls on Election Day may request Vote by Mail ballots by contacting the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections (386)736-5930 or visit the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections website www.volusiaelections.org  (link opens to external website).

Pollwatchers: Please be advised that the last day to register poll watchers is 14 days before early voting begins for the Election. Contact the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections (386)736-5930 or visit the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections website www.volusiaelections.org  (link opens to external website).

Precinct Information: To locate your voting precinct, please utilize the Volusia County Voting Precinct Locator.

Precinct 702 is South Daytona Christian Church, 2121 Kenilworth Avenue
Precinct 701 is Piggotte Community Center, 504 Big Tree Road

Helpful links:





As always, if you have any Election questions, please contact Deputy City Clerk Becky Witte at 386-322-3014. 

Dear Valued Vendors!  On January 1st, 2025, the City will be transitioning to a new eProcurement solution (OpenGov) for publishing solicitations, and receiving vendor responses. Register your account early to begin receiving email notifications for the City’s Bid/RFP opportunities. Registration is 100% free for vendors!

The City of South Daytona has partnered with OpenGov and is excited to announce our transition from a paper-based bid solicitation process to a fully automated, web-based electronic bidding and vendor management system. Below are the bids and proposals currently being solicited and the corresponding closing dates for each. Our new e-Procurement Portal will allow interested parties to do the following:

  • Register to bid and receive notifications of future opportunities in the e-Procurement Portal by selecting Subscribe to create an account.

  • Follow updates to existing solicitations by finding the solicitation and clicking the Follow button. This will allow all interested parties to receive amendments and addenda automatically.

  • Submit questions and receive answers for open solicitations.

  • Guide vendors through the process of responding electronically to RFPs, bids, etc. to ensure submissions have been accurately completed.

  • Ultimately, be your one location for all bid opportunities issued by the City.

To get started, click here to sign up. You’ll receive an email to activate your account. For more information about how to register, please see our help file here.



OpenGov Portal Link

Calendar Portal Embed Contract Portal Embed


Open Bids:

BID NO. 25-B-001 Street Repaving for Sea Isle Circle, Coral Circle and Reef Road
due 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 5, 2025,

BID NO. 25-B-005 Reed Canal Stormwater Pond Expansion  |
due 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 28, 2025

Closed Bids:

Bid for Cleaning Services.  Bid 23-B-001
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 16, 2023

Bid for HVAC Repair and Preventative Maintenance Services - Bid 23-B-002 
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 16, 2023

Floating Dock Replacement at Riverfront Veterans Memorial Park - Bid 23-B-003
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 2, 2023

Bid for James Street Park Splash Pad Renovation - Bid 23-B-004
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, March 24, 2023

Bid for Sewer Rehabilitation Services - Bid 23-B-005
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Bid for Tree Trimming and Removal Services - Bid 23-B-006
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, March 31, 2023

Bid for Contracted Mowing and Landscaping Services - Bid 23-B-007
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, March 31, 2023

Bid for Magnolia Park Fishing Themed Playground - Bid 23-B-008
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, March 31, 2023

Bid for Re-Bid for HVAC Repair and Preventative Maintenance Services - Bid 23-B-009
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, March 31, 2023

Bid for Permanent Generator for South Daytona Municipal Complex Bid 23-B-010
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, May 25, 2023

ReBid for James Street Park Splashpad Bid 23-B-011
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Friday, May 26, 2023 (extended via Addendum)

Bid for Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Manholes and Wet Wells  BID NO. 23-B-012
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bid for Reed Canal Pump Installation BID NO. 23-B-013
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 1, 2023

Harborside Pump Station BID NO. 23-B-014
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 13, 2023

Certified Backflow Prevention Device Installation, Repair and Maintenance Services BID NO. 23-B-015
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 13, 2023

South Daytona Monument Entryway Signs, BID NO. 23-B-016
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 13, 2023

Bid 23-B-018 for Security Wall at Public Works Compound
Due at 2:00pm on Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Bid for Piggotte Center Sign. Bid 24-B-001
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Bid for Officials and Scorekeepers. Bid 24-B-002
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 28, 2024

RFP 2024-001 - South Daytona Municipal Complex Roof Replacement
Due at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 12, 2024
(extension granted on 2/27/2024 from the original date of Due at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 29, 2024)

453490-1-38-01 RFP - S Daytona Camera Network
Due at 3:00pm on Thursday, December 19, 2024

Development Review

Application | Flow Chart| Code Section

Zoning Verification 


For all other applications, please contact Community Development Department.

Water Pollution. It closes beaches, kills wildlife and poisons our drinking water. It comes in many forms: from animal waste, construction work and air pollution. Unfortunately, many of us directly contribute to the problem. Thousands of small sources of pollution continue to harm our waters. The pollutants flow through the storm drain system into local streams, lakes and coastal waters. Individually, these pollutants may not be a major concern, but combined together they can result in widespread water quality problems.

What is the NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit? The Clean Water Act of 1972 originally established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to control wastewater discharges from various industries and wastewater treatment plants known as "point sources". The 1987 Water Quality Act amended the NPDES permit system to address "non-point" source pollution. This type of pollution occurs when pollutants such as bacteria, sediment, oil and grease, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizers and trash from roadways, parking lots, yards, and other areas are exposed to rainfall and washes into our streams, rivers and oceans.

The City of South Daytona, along with other local governments is required to manage stormwater under the Federal Clean Water Act's NPDES discharge permit which establishes guidelines for municipalities to minimize pollutants in stormwater runoff to the "maximum extent practicable." Did you know that the U.S. EPA now estimates that over 80 percent of the water quality problems in the United States are due to non-point source pollution?

Day to day management of the program falls under the Public Works Department. They, in turn, report to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. However, the lifestyle and work environment of almost every resident of South Daytona will be impacted by this new law. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for protecting our waters.

What is the City's role? The NPDES rules require South Daytona, other cities and counties to keep their storm drains and sewers as free from pollutants as possible and develop a stormwater program. The City of South Daytona has already been performing some of the "Best Management Practices" of the program under our Code of Ordinances and municipal operations policies and will be implementing more in the near future. Some of the practices are:

  • Regular maintenance of public rights-of way such as street sweeping, litter collection and storm drain facility maintenance.
  • A comprehensive soil erosion and sedimentation control program.
  • Plan review procedures to assure unauthorized connections to the storm sewer are not made.
  • Proper spill response procedures.
  • Development of a comprehensive stormwater facility map.
    Identification and removal of unauthorized connections to the stormwater system.
  • Public education efforts to inform citizens about stormwater quality through educational events and newsletter articles.
  • Public Involvement Activities such as our annual "Sparkle Days Campaign" in which residents can participate in cleaning up their properties.

How can the "South Daytona Web Site" help? This web site will contain
public education information for our residents and businesses. (See our first article below!) It will periodically be updated to include: Proper Disposal of HazardousWastes, Environmental Lawn and Garden Activities, Trash Reduction and Recycling, Pet Waste Disposal and much, much more.

The City of South Daytona is excited about educating our residents in the important endeavor of a Clean Water Program and hope you will be too. We are proud of our community and strive to be environmentally educated. Please feel free to call your Public Works Department at 386-322-3080 or email our program coordinator at sdpublicworks@southdaytona.org We look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Welcome to the City of South Daytona and the Utility Billing Department. Answers to your questions may be answered below. If you have further questions, please call Customer Service at (386) 322-3002.

  • Residents must have their garbage placed curbside by 7:00 am on the day of pickup and no sooner than 24-hours before the day of pickup. Residents must return container to the proper storage. Residents must supply their own trash containers up to a maximum of 32 gallons. Waste Pro will not collect improper containers.

  • Household Garbage: Food scraps, packaging, clothes, small appliances, and non-recyclables will be picked up if they are placed in the container and by the curb by 7:00 am Monday & Thursday. Please note, gasoline, pool chemicals and motor oil are harmful to the environment and shall not be placed in your garbage bin.

  • Recycling: Residents should place their recycling materials in the green bin(s). Recycling will be picked up on Mondays or Thursdays depending on your location within the City. If you need an additional recycling bin, please contact Public Works at (386) 322-3080 or use the online request by visiting southdaytona.org/egov/apps/Action/center.gov

  • Motor Oil: You can dispose of motor oil at the recycling igloo, open 24-hours at the Public Works Facility, located at 1700 Segrave Street.

  • Tires: You may place old tires at the curb for pickup. The pickup is free of charge and residents are allowed 8 tires per calendar year.

  • Household Hazardous Waste: Paint and paint thinners must be taken to the Volusia County Landfill. They can be reached at (386) 947-2952 for specific instructions.

  • Yard Waste: Grass clippings, leaves, pine needles, etc. will be picked up on Mondays. Items must be containerized in garbage cans and/or trash bags and placed by the curb before 7:00 am. Waste Pro has agreed to collect yard waste regardless of the diameter and weight.

  • Household Construction Trash: Small amounts of wood, concrete, block generated by “do-it-yourself” projects can be cut off and placed within your garbage container or bag weighing less than 50 pounds. These can be placed with your normal garbage pickup day.

  • Roll off Service: Cost of this service depends on the size and frequency of the pickup. Please call (386) 322-3002 for more information.

Commercial Pickup: The City has an exclusive agreement with Waste Pro to provide all dumpster and roll-off services. To schedule a drop off or pickup of dumpster please call (386) 322-3002


The South Daytona Police Department was first awarded “accredited status” by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation on February 6, 2002, during a formal recognition ceremony. Since then, the South Daytona Police Department has been re-accredited seven additional times; 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, and 2023. During the 2020 re-accreditation process, the Department was given the coveted “excelsior agency” status. This is only granted to those agencies who have completed 5 three-year accreditation cycles with no deficiencies. During the 2023 re-accreditation process, the Department was awarded a 2nd “excelsior agency” status for continuing to operate with no deficiencies.


Accreditation is a coveted award that symbolizes professionalism, excellence, and competence within the law enforcement community. Accreditation serves to enhance general and specific understanding of the South Daytona Police Department, our goals and objectives, as well as our role as a community partner.

By ensuring that proper policies and procedures are in place and that all facets of police operations are maintained within acceptable legal and professional limits, the accreditation process improves our ability to prevent and control crime by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of our services of law enforcement services.

The Process

The accreditation process requires an in-depth review of every aspect of the agency, including; administration, organizational structure, management, supervision, and all daily operations and functions of the Police Department.

Our agency is compelled to operate within specific guidelines and is accountable to the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, which conducts on-site visits and examines compliance with approximately 260 different performance standards. Our Police Department must stay within those compliance standards set forth by the Commission in order to retain its accreditation status and must then pass systematic reviews by outside assessors.

The Purpose

Citizen confidence in our policies and practices, as viewed and documented by our state-mandated oversight board, has provided us with a strong foundation from which to grow our community policing philosophy and increase the active participation of local stakeholders. The South Daytona Police Department takes great pride in the fact that their agency is fully accredited, knowing that it represents the very best in law enforcement.

2002 2005 2008 2011





The South Daytona CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a group of dedicated citizens that have been trained to assist the city, especially the fire and police departments, for natural and man-made disasters. The training is free and consists of 8 modules that consist of medical operations, fire suppression, search/rescue and disaster preparedness. Interested citizens can contact the fire department to be placed on an interest list for the next scheduled classes. For more information, contact Fire Commander Ernie Jarvis at 386-322-3033 or ejarvis@southdaytona.org

On Thursday, January 16, 2025, Mayor Hall visited four South Daytona Elementary 4th grade classes to discuss local government and our upcoming Reed Canal Park Prehistoric Playground project. He explained that the grant was applied for several years ago and was finally awarded through the Volusia County ECHO program in November 2024. The park will be focused on the Giant Ground Sloth, which was discovered almost 50 years ago. The goal is to have the park open at the end of 2025. The students were very attentive and asked many interesting questions.

Thank you, South Daytona Elementary, for the invitation and opportunity.

While fishing at Magnolia Park, you may catch:

Click on the picture below to learn more:


Largemouth Bass

While at Magnolia Park, you may see:

Florida Red-Bellied Cooter

Florida red-bellied cooter

Red-Eared Slider

Red-Eared Slider

Yellow –Bellied Slider

Yellow –Bellied Slider

False Map Turtle

False Map Turtle

Florida Soft Shell Turtle

Florida Soft Shell Turtle

Florida Cooter

Florida Cooter

Welcome to the City of South Daytona and the Utility Billing Department. Answers to your questions may be answered below. If you have further questions, please call Customer Service at (386) 322-3002.

In accordance with City Ordinance Sec. 20-73, Residents may qualify for a sewer adjustment on their upcoming statement if the following criteria has been met:

  • The meter must be connected to the City’s sewer system.
  • The customer must have 12 months of consumption history to determine an appropriate average consumption.
  • Leak occurred on the resident’s side of the meter and did not enter the sewer systems.
  • Filling of a swimming pool with proper evidence of the pool filling.


Residents requesting an adjustment may visit the office or email us at service@southdaytona.org with supporting documentation.

South Daytona Connect System

Receive alerts about emergencies and other community news and events by signing up for the South Daytona Connect Program. This system enables us to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as boil water notices,  severe weather, emergency alerts, evacuations in the City.

You will receive time-sensitive messages that you are interested in receiving, wherever you specify, such as your home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more. You pick where, you pick how. To sign up for South Daytona visit: https://bit.ly/SDAlerts

All applications that require advertising associated with a public hearing shall pay all costs associated with the advertising. Application fees are due and payable when the review request or applications are submitted. Prior to the final action, staff shall determine the status of any additional advertising costs that shall be payable by the applicant.

Consolidated Fee Schedule

Note: All site, development, and special exception plans must be submitted in standard hard copy format and in digital “pdf” format. Digital files shall be submitted on a cd. Plans not submitted in the required digital format will be charged $5.00 per sheet and $10.00 for the cd.

City Aerial

The City of South Daytona is experiencing unprecedented growth with new construction of luxury apartments, condominiums, townhomes, and business migration. It is an exciting time for new development in South Daytona. See what properties will fit your needs and come grow with us! 

See properties listed below, or use our Available Properties Interactive GIS Map

Did you know the City of South Daytona has an Animal Control Services Team?

Our Animal Control Services Team sets an extremely high bar for professionalism and community service. Whether you have found or lost a pet, need details on the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program, need a pet license or wish for Code Compliance to investigate complaints relating to animal issues, call the city and we will be there to assist you!

The main contact for our Animal Control Services Team is Jay Robinson. Jay can be found at the City Manager’s Office and has over 30 years’ experience working with animals. She can be reached at 386-322-3014.

A few reminders:

  • Have your animals licensed through our Police Department and microchipped by a veterinarian.
  • Bring found pets to the Police Department. (DO NOT take directly to any animal shelter or Volusia County)
  • The City cannot handle calls involving wild animals such as racoons, go onto roofs or into homes to catch animals, or assist with bees or wasps. For these issues, please call a local wildlife trapper.

For more information, please call 386-322-3014. We are very lucky to have such a professional and experienced staff to keep our community and pets safe.

Animal Control Licensing

All dogs and cats, 6 months or older, must have a current rabies vaccination and City license. Licenses are available at the Police Department (386) 322-3030 and must be renewed annually in October. Current rabies certificates are required for all licenses. Annual license fees:

$2.00 – each spayed or neutered pet

$5.00 – each unaltered pet permit

(additional documentation is required)

Vietnamese Pot Belly Pigs are now allowed in the City as a pet. The owner of a Vietnamese pot belly pig must have a health certificate from a Florida licensed veterinarian stating that all necessary and appropriate vaccinations have been administered and are current. Licenses are available at the Police Department and must be renewed annually in October.

$22.00 – initial application and license

$2.00 – annual renewal

Responsible Pet Ownership

The City charges a retrieval fee for animals picked up running at large:

1st offense - $20, 2nd offense - $30, 3rd and subsequent - $50

When the owner of an animal found running at large cannot be located within a reasonable period of time, the animal is taken to an Animal Shelter, where it is held at least 3 days. The animal’s owner is liable for the fees.

Common animal ordinance violations that may result in a fine or possible future legal action are as follows:

  • Failure to Restrain (not on a leash or outside their property)
  • Failure to License (City license not obtained)
  • Allow to Run at Large (including cats)
  • Allow to Become a Public Nuisance (barking)
  • Failure to Provide Adequate Care
  • Excessive Number of Pets (no more than 4 dogs, cats, or a combination thereof, over 6 months of age)

Note: Animal owners are responsible for the removal of waste on public or private property. To report animal complaints you may call (386) 322-3014 or (386) 323-3568.

Pet Licensing:

South Daytona Police Department, 1672 S. Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona
Phone: (386) 322-3030


Knox BoxThe South Daytona Fire Department participates in the RESIDENTIAL Knox Box program that is designed to allow fire department personnel access into locked residences during times of emergencies. A Knox Box is a small metal box that allows access only by the fire department through a special issued key. This key is kept secured on the fire truck. Inside this Knox Box, the homeowner places a house key for the fire department to access.

Whenever a homeowner has fallen or experiences any issue that prevents them from unlocking their door, the Knox Box allows quick entry without doing damage to doors or windows.

The fire department has a limited quantity of these residential Knox Boxes on hand. These boxes are for residents that have medical issues that might prevent them from unlocking their door after 9-1-1 is called. The fire department will loan these boxes to our residents without any costs. We only ask for an information sheet to be completed which includes a copy of their ID and for the resident to agree to return the box when no longer needed. Currently in South Daytona, there are over 30 residents that participate in the program. Once installed at the residence, our fire department will notify our dispatch center to put in a special note reminding the responding Fire units, ambulances and law enforcement the location of the box if any calls are received from that address.


The South Daytona Fire Department participates in the Knox Box program that is designed to allow fire department personnel accessed into locked businesses during times of emergencies. The system requires the owners of businesses to purchase a Knox Box – a small metal box that allows access only by the fire department through a special issued key. This key is kept secured on the fire truck. In times of a fire alarm sounding or an issue with the sprinkler system, the fire personnel can make access into the building to investigate the problem. This allows quick entry without doing damage to doors or windows. Currently in South Daytona, there are over 25 businesses and 2 schools that participate in the program.

If a business is interested, they can go to a link on the City of South Daytona’s web site and obtain more information on the types of boxes and costs. Once purchased and installed by the owner, the fire department will come out and put the keys in the box and lock it. The fire department will notify our dispatch center to put in a special note reminding the responding fire units the location of the box if any calls are received from that address. We appreciate your consideration and participation in this valuable program.

The City’s Emergency Management Plan identifies priorities for mitigating against, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural disasters that threaten the lives, property, and environment in South Daytona.

Emergency Contact Information:

Volusia County Emergency Management
Phone: 386-736-5980

Volusia County Shelters Directions
Phone: 386-734-7190

Volusia County Shelters Transport
Phone: 386-322-5100

Marine and Weather
U.S. Coast Guard
Phone: 386-258-8733

National Hurricane Center
Phone: 305-229-4470

Disaster Assistance Programs
American Red Cross
Phone: 386-226-1400

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Phone: 800-621-3362

Salvation Army
Phone: 386-236-2020

Prior to 1940, fire protection in South Daytona was handled by the Daytona Beach Fire Department. Then on March 15, 1940 a group of individuals, with the blessing of the South Daytona City Council, formed the South Daytona Volunteer Fire Department. Membership was limited to a maximum of twenty members and they received no monetary compensation for attending meetings or responding to calls.

The first piece of fire equipment consisted of an old military surplus 4 X 4 and an old water tank. In 1957, the City Council approved the purchase of a new Seagrave Pumper with a 500-gallon tank on a Ford chassis. The volunteer association acquired and refurbished a used Chevy step van to use as one of the area’s first Rescue Squad units. With the agreement of the area fire chiefs, this unit would respond to the surrounding cities of Port Orange, New Smyrna, Holly Hill, and Ormond Beach. This was the beginning of Mutual Aid.

Up until 1969, the fire department was totally volunteer. It was then that the City Council approved the hiring of three full time firefighters. The South Daytona Volunteer Fireman’s Association still played an active part. One of the full time firefighters was appointed as a Lieutenant to oversee the operations.

April of 1973, the City Council created a Department of Public Safety. The Police Chief oversaw the operations of both the Police and Fire Departments. That ordinance was repealed in June of 1977.

In 1979, the South Daytona Fire Departments started providing their citizens with a Basic Life Support (BLS), AND Rescue service with trained Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT’s).

In 1999, the department upgraded its level of service to Advanced Life Support (ALS) Rescue Service.

In October 2016, Fire Commander Dave Giles was appointed Fire Chief.  He retired after 30 years of service in March 2023.  A few well-known accomplishments of Chief Giles includes Fire Department Movie in the Park Events, smoke detector awareness events, as well as over 14 grants totaling almost one-million dollars for the City including most recently a new Fire Truck in 2019, Vehicle Exhaust Removal System in 2021, and Fire Bunker Gear Extractor in 2022.
John Brant was appointed Fire Chief in April 2023.  He comes from LaGrange Fire Department where he served as Chief since 2018.
The City is always interested in any old photos of our fire department from any past member or our citizens. Please contact Becky at bwitte@southdaytona.org or 386-322-3014 for more information.

William C. HallBorn in Daytona Beach, Bill was raised in South Daytona. He is a graduate of Mainland High School, Daytona Beach Community College and the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice and a Master's Degree in Public Administration.

He also graduated from the FBI National Academy, Quantico, Virginia. He was elected Mayor in 2016.

Bill began his almost 40 years of public service with the Daytona Beach Police Department as a reserve police officer in 1978, and then served with the Ponce Inlet Police Department before starting with the South Daytona Police Department in 1979. He worked his way up through the ranks before becoming Chief of Police in 2005, retiring in January 2013. His decades of service focused on making the safety of our citizens his top priority. 

As a lifetime member of South Daytona Citizens Alert, an active member of South Daytona Lions Club and a Charter member of the South Daytona Historical Society, his community service continues.

Bill works part-time as a sales representative. Bill and his wife, Darlette have been married since 1990. He has three children and two grandchildren.

Contact Information:
Ph: (386)295-6636
Email: bhall@southdaytona.org

Electric Utility

  •  Florida Power and Light (FPL) provides the electrical service to all of our residents.  To report a power outage, service problem or tree trimming request, please contact FPL at 1-800-4OUTAGE or visit www.fpl.com

Telephone Utility

  •  AT&T provides telephone service to all of our residents.  To report a phone outage or service problem, please contact AT&T at 1-800-432-1424 or visit https://www.att.com/.

Cable Utility

  •  Spectrum provides cable service to all of our residents.  To report a cable or service problem, please contact Spectrum at 1-833-267-6094 or visit www.spectrum.net.

Natural Gas Utility

  •  TECO Peoples Gas provides natural gas service to all of our residents.  To report a natural gas outage or service problem, please contact TECO Peoples Gas at 1-877-TECO-PGS or visit www.peoplesgas.com.

Demolition Business Icon facade
Demolition Targeted Businesses Façade Improvements

Redevelopment incentives to encourage businesses to locate in the City's Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) along U.S.1

Planning and Advisory Board 


The Planning and Advisory Board (PAB) serves as the Local Planning Agency in accordance with F.S. Chapter 163 in an advisory capacity to the South Daytona City Council.  The PAB issues recommendations on land use, zoning, land development regulations, and general community development policies.  The Board consists of seven members and meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 6:00 P.M. at the South Daytona Piggotte Community Center located at 504 Big Tree Road.

Click here for Current Planning and Appeals Board Members

Crime Prevention imageAuto burglary is a crime of opportunity.  All it takes is a few seconds for a thief to enter your car and take your property.  You can prevent yourself from becoming a victim by removing all your valuables from your car when you exit it.

Here are some helpful tips to remember.

  • Do not leave any valuables in your car.  This includes purses, cell phones, computers, wallets, jewelry, sunglasses, backpacks, etc.
  • Secure your automatic garage door opener and key FOB.
  • Park your car in a well-lit area with high pedestrian traffic and visibility.
  • Do not be seen using your interior trunk release button.  Put all your valuables in your trunk prior to reaching your destination.
  • Always lock your doors and keep your windows up while pumping gas.  Many items have been stolen by person reaching into cars and driving away while people pump gas.
  • Always secure your purse before loading packages into your trunk.

The best crime prevention is YOU!

Welcome to the City of South Daytona and the Utility Billing Department. Answers to your questions may be answered below. If you have further questions, please call Customer Service at (386) 322-3002.


  • Each utility account opened within the City of South Daytona requires an advanced security deposit that will remain with the City until the customer finals the account.  A 5/8” water meter deposit is $225.

  • All service requests and/or account changes must be requested in writing. You may visit the office or email us at service@southdaytona.org

  • The City’s utility billing dates are divided into three billing cycles. These cycles are based entirely upon the property location where you receive service. Your billing and due dates will remain the same from month to month, varying slightly due to holidays, weekends, and the number of days in a month.

  • Residents can elect to receive due-date reminders and shut-off reminders electronically. Please call Customer Service at (386) 322-3002 to enroll and update your contact information as needed to ensure successful receipt of notices. You will receive the alerts from 844-309-7105. We recommend you save this number in your cell phone.

  • Water consumption is billed in thousands-of-gallon increments. Until your meter surpasses the next highest thousand-gallon mark, you will not be billed for that usage. Please note, your final bill, any usage over 500 gallons, will be billed at the next highest thousand gallons. If your property is vacant, the owner of the property will receive an availability of service statement.

  • You may notice our meter readers in your neighborhood carrying a device with a long “wand”. With this device, they can electronically read your meter without manually recording the reading.

  • Failure to receive your bill does not waive past due penalties. Bills are mailed monthly unless you are enrolled in the paperless option and elected not to receive a bill. Problems with receipt of mail should be reported to the Post Office. Please call our office anytime you have a question about your bill or fail to receive one by the appropriate date. If you fail to receive a bill, please call Customer Service at (386) 322-3002.

  • Bills are considered past due twenty-one (21) days after the billing date. Per Sec. 20-70: If payment on any bill is not received within twenty (20) days following the bill date, a late charge equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the unpaid balance is added on the twenty-first day. If payment on any bill is not received within twenty-nine (29) days of the bill date, service shall be disconnected.

  • If your service is delinquent and scheduled for disconnection, service shall be continued or reconnected only after all delinquent AND current charges on the account are paid. **Only cash or credit card payments will be accepted to restore services after disconnection for non-payment.

  • Water consumption varies by occupants of each address. Some residents may consume more water than others based on their lifestyles. The average consumer uses two (2) to three (3) thousand gallons of water per person, each month. Example- if you have 3 occupants in your home, you should expect to use 6-9 thousand gallons of water each month. Questions regarding rates and consumption can be answered by calling Customer Service (386)-322-3002.

  • We offer several convenient ways to pay your bill:
  1. Pay over the phone by dialing 1-844-309-7105. Automated phone payments are accepted 24-hours a day. This service is free of charge. (You will need your account and customer numbers from your bill and your credit card, debit card or bank account information.)
  2. On-line payments via credit card, debit card or bank account through the City’s website at southdaytona.org. Residents may set up scheduled payments or use one-time payment.
  3. Drive-Thru Window located on the north side of City Hall is open during business hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Please bring your bill.
  4. Payment Drop Box available 24 hours a day on the north side of the building.
  5. Cash payments can be made at CVS, Family Dollar, or 7-11 Stores. Coupons on the back of your bill must accompany payment. Keep one in your wallet to reuse!
  6. Pay in City Hall Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.

Refuse Collection




MONDAY: From Big Tree Road, north to Beville Road & Reed Canal Road, south to the City limits
THURSDAY: Between Big Tree Road and Reed Canal Road


Please have your garbage at the curb by 7:00 A.M. on day of pickup and no earlier than 6:00 P.M. the night before the scheduled pick up day. Return containers to the proper storage area by the end of the pickup day.

For complaints or problems contact the Public Works Department at (386)-322-3080 or via the web at http://www.southdaytona.org/egov/apps/Action/center.egov and we will be happy to assist you.


Household Garbage: Included in this category are food scraps, packaging, clothing, toys, small appliances and non-recyclables. Items must be containerized in garbage cans and placed behind the curb before 7:00 A.M. on Monday and Thursday. All hazardous materials which are harmful to the environment; such as gasoline, thinners/solvents, pool chemicals, pesticides, and motor oil should not be disposed of in your garbage.

Garbage cans should be no larger than 32 gallons, and no smaller than a 20 gallon container. The 50 and 90 gallon toters are too heavy for collectors to lift, and Waste Pro of FL., Inc. trucks are not equipped with special lifts for these large toters. Waste Pro of FL, Inc. will not collect from improper containers such as wheelbarrows, plastic tubs or nylon bags that attach to blowers, etc. These items are not considered proper containers and could become damaged. Please properly bag your garbage and use the approved containers.

Recycling: Residents should place their recycling materials in the green bin(s). Items that can be recycled are:

  • PAPER materials such as newspapers (with inserts), mixed office paper, phone books, junk mail, magazines, cereal and snack boxes (no liners), pizza boxes, beverage cartons and cardboard boxes no larger than 4' x 4'. Larger cardboard boxes will be collected by the garbage truck.
  • GLASS bottles that are green, amber and clear.
  • ALUMINUM/STEEL cans, includes aerosol cans. Make sure the aerosol cans are empty and remove plastic tips/tops before recycling. Metal hangers are not accepted for recycling.
  • PLASTIC containers coded 1 through 7. Plastic bottles which can be recycled include the following; soda, juice, milk, soap, bleach, shampoo, hair spray, alcohol, peroxide, etc. Additionally, residents may recycle margarine and sour cream tubs, yogurt cups, plastic deli containers, prescription bottles, hot drink tops and CD cases. Styrofoam containers and plastic bags are not acceptable at this time.

Please rinse cans and jars to reduce odor and discourage insects and rodents. If you only use one recycle bin, please place your newspapers and lighter items in the bottom of the bin to reduce littering in your neighborhood. It is highly recommended that you have at least two recycle bins. Then you can place the paper/cardboard items in one bin, and your cans and bottles in the second bin. When you put the bins out for pickup, simply stack the heavier one on top of the one which contains the paper items. This will prevent the paper items from getting blown away on windy days.

ARE YOU RECYCLING MORE? NEED ANOTHER RECYCLING BIN? If you need an extra recycling bin, contact the Public Works Department at 322-3080 or use our online service request at: http://www.southdaytona.org/egov/apps/Action/center.egov

Vegetative Garden & Yard Trash Service: Grass clippings, leaves, pine needles, etc. must be containerized in garbage cans and/or trash bags and placed behind the curb before 7:00 A.M., Monday. Palm fronds, shrubs, tree brush, and braches will also be picked up if placed curbside by pickup time on Monday morning. Waste Pro of FL., Inc. has agreed to collect yard waste regardless of the diameter and weight. If a contractor is hired by a resident for yard work, it is the contractor's responsibility to take away any yard debris generated by them.

Appliances/Furniture/Televisions: Refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, dishwashers, window air conditioning units, couches, chairs, tables, mattresses, cabinets, counter-tops, televisions, etc. Place at the curb on normal garbage collection days. Remove all doors. Items will be picked up within 48 hours. There is no need to call.

Household Construction Trash: Small amounts of wood, concrete, block, plaster board, carpet etc. generated by "do-it-yourself" projects, which are cut up and contained within a garbage can or bag weighing less than 50 lbs., can be placed with your Monday or Thursday garbage. Larger amounts of these materials require roll-off service. Schedule delivery of containers at least 3 days in advance by calling 386-322-3002.

Tires: You should leave old tires where you purchase new tires. Or, place at the curb on normal garbage collection days. Eight (8) tires per residence per year will be picked up free of charge.

You may also take up to four (4) regular passenger size tires to Tomoka Landfill located at 1990 Tomoka Farms Road in Port Orange. For further information, please call 386-947-2952.

Motor Oil: Dispose of used motor oil at the recycling igloo, open 24 hours a day, at the City of South Daytona's Public Works facility, 1770 Segrave Street. Please DO NOT put gasoline, cleaning fluids, solvents, chemicals, etc. in the oil igloo. They pollute the oil making it un-recyclable. Not for commercial use. Dispose of empty motor oil cans in the container located next to the oil igloo. Dispose of motor oil filters by draining oil for minimum of 3 hours and placing in the oil igloo compartment or regular household garbage.

Automobile Batteries: You should leave your old battery where you purchase a replacement battery, or place it at the curb on normal garbage collection days. Two (2) batteries per residence per year may be picked up curbside.

Household Hazardous Waste: Paint & paint thinners - take these to the Tomoka Landfill's Paint Exchange Facility. Empty dry containers, with lids removed, may be included in your regular garbage. Contact the landfill at 947-2952 for instructions on the disposition of gasoline, solvents, pool chemicals, etc.

Fluorescent Tubes/Bulbs: Must be taken to Tomoka Landfill for disposal.
Home Heating Fuel Removal: Residents can contact Volusia County Solid Waste Division at 386-943-7889 for free home heating fuel oil removal.

Roll off service is available. Cost of this service depends on the size and frequency of the pick up. Please call 386-322-3002 for more information
Commercial Pickup:

The City has an exclusive agreement with Waste Pro Inc. to provide all dumpster and roll-off services. To schedule drop off or pick up of dumpster at 386-322-3002.

Utility Billing Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I setup a Utility Account? New residents can setup a utility account by visiting City Hall at
    1672 South Ridgewood or by emailing Customer Service at service@southdaytona.org.

  • What is required of me for new service? Residents who are renting must provide the City with a
    valid lease and driver’s license. Residents who own, must provide the City with valid ownership
    paperwork and driver’s license.

  • What is the deposit for a new service? Deposits vary depending on size of meter. Most common
    deposit is $225. Please call Customer Service at 386-322-3002 to verify your deposit amount.

  • Can I setup an online portal to pay my bill(s) electronically? Absolutely. Visit
    https://ipn2.paymentus.com/cp/csdu and click register now to begin setup.

  • Do you offer electronic notifications to be notified of due dates and shut offs? Of course! Call
    Customer Service at 386-322-3002 to enroll. Save 1-844-309-7105 in your phone as City of South
    Daytona. You will begin receiving notifications from this number.

  • I just finalized my account, when should I expect my deposit? Deposits are applied to the final bill.
    Credit balances remaining will be issued via check; this process can take up to 6 weeks from your disconnection date.

  • When is my utility bill due? Bills are due twenty (20) days after the statement is rendered. Friendly
    Tip: If your account number begins with a “1” your bill is due the first week of the month. “2” Second
    week of the month and “3” is the third week of the month.

  • Where is my water meter located? Great question! Our meters have an inground box in the front yard
    near the street or sidewalk. If you are not sure, please call Customer Service at 386-322-3002 and
    we will have your meter marked.

  • Is there a fee to pay with a credit card? There are no fees to pay in the office, over the phone or
    online with a credit or debit card.

  • Am I able to extend my due date? Unfortunately, due dates are unable to be changed and are in
    accordance with the City Ordinance.

  • Do I qualify for a payment extension? Per City Ordinance, residents are eligible for a payment
    extension once (1) per calendar year. Payments can be extended one (1) week past the shut off

  • Am I eligible for a payment plan? Per City Ordinance, payment plans shall be provided for owner
    accounts only.

  • May I receive an adjustment for my toilet leak? Unfortunately, per City Ordinance, if the leak
    enters the sewer system, the account becomes ineligible for an adjustment.

  • I just initiated service and would like to setup an online account; however, the system is stating
    my account number is invalid. Why am I receiving this message? Residents must wait for their first
    utility statements to arrive, for the system to recognize their newly established utility account.

  • I have a service-related request, can I call in my request? For security purposes we ask all residents
    with service-related requests (turn on, turn off, suspension, etc.) send an email to
    service@southdaytona.org and our staff will fulfill your request.

Brandon YoungBrandon L. Young was born and raised in the Halifax area. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Master of Business Administration from the University of Central Florida and in 2023 achieved a Doctor of Business Administration from Liberty University.  He was elected to Seat 1 in 2010 and served as Vice Mayor from 2014 to 2018.

Active in many community organizations and youth sports programs, Brandon currently serves on the Board for the Volusia League of Cities Executive Committee (since 2013 and was elected President in 2017), and the Florida League of Cities Finance, Taxation and Personnel Committee. He has received a wide range of training from the Institute for Elected Officials and the Advanced Institute through the Florida Institute of Government. 

Brandon is the Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and has been with the University since 1998. He has been an adjunct professor for ERAU and Stetson University, both in the College of Business. He serves on the Board of the United Way and the FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools.

He has previously served on the Board of Directors for One Voice of Volusia, Junior Achievement Volusia County Board of Directors and is past President of the Volusia/Flagler Society of Human Resource Management. He was also a member of South Daytona's Land Development Regulation Board and is past President of the Bryan Cave Homeowners' Association.

Brandon married his high school sweetheart, Tammy, and they have 3 sons; Zachary (senior at ERAU), Dylan and Dalton (seniors at Spruce Creek High School). They are active members of Tomoka Christian Church in Ormond Beach.

Contact Information:
Ph: (386)453-5645
Email: byoung@southdaytona.org

Please note: Link to DWG file is to a zipped folder containing all the details for that category.

Directional Drilling:
Horizontal Directional Drill, Pre-Log Form, As Built Requirements, Typical Plan
Fiber Optics:
Fiber Optic Pull & Splice Box, Conduit Installation 
Root Barrier, Root Pruning, Tree Preservation, Tree Barricade, Retaining Wall, Tree Planting, Container Spacing and more 
Lift Stations
Example Site Plan, Ground Rod Installation, Electrical Equipment Mounting, Conduit, Notes and Requirements
General Notes, Sidewalk & Bike Path Ramp, Dumpster Enclosure, Driveway, Bore & Jack, Pipe Installation, Erosion Control, Road Barricade and more 
Construction Notes, Road Section, Curbs, Paving, Seeding and Mulch, Pavement Cut and Patch, Pavement Butt Joint, Resurfacing, Concrete Paving
General Notes, Outside Drop Connection, Shallow Manhole, Inside Drop Connection, Rubber Boot and Precast Joint Connection, Sewer Lateral, Cleanout, Sewer Crossing and more 
Construction Notes, Spillway, Inlet Apron, Dry Retention, Wet Retention Pond, Manhole Ring and Cover Detail, Under Drain and Exfiltration System, Skimmer and more
Sidewalk, Sidewalk End Section, Handicap Ramp, Bench, Trash Receptacle, Street Light, Crosswalk, Sidewalk Section
Traffic Calming:
Speed Table, Mini-Roundabout, Chicane
General Notes, Gate Valve and Box, Water Lateral Service, D.I.P. Restrained Joint Table, Backflow Preventer, Water Main Installation, Fire Hydrant Assembly, Water Main Separation, Manual Air Release Valve, and more

Contact Us First If You Have a Water or Sewer Problem

A waterline break or sewer line clog can be a stressful experience, particularly if you are not sure who to call.

The Public Works Department is here to assist you and is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.  We can be reached by calling 386-322-3080 or by email at sdpublicworks@southdaytona.org

AFTER normal business hours, on weekends, or holidays, residents may call Police Dispatch at 386-323-3568 to report the problem.  They will contact the Public Works on-call employee who will respond to assist you.

A waterline located on any City right-of-way, up to and including the water meter is the responsibility of the City for repair.  Any waterline break from the hand valve (including the valve) located on the service side (house side) of the meter to the house will be the responsibility of the property owner.

Sewer lines located on any public right-of-way up to and including the sewer laterals and clean outs located on the property line is the responsibility of the City for repair.  Any sewer line backup or clog from the property line to the house will be the responsibility of the property owner.

The City cannot repair a break or clog if it is on the homeowner side.  If the problem is on the City's side, the City will make repairs as necessary.

Please remember, the City will not reimburse you for costs if you call a plumber or other repair service and it is later determined to be determined to be on the City's side.

The Utilities Division maintains the City's approximate 40 miles off water distribution lines and 35 miles of sewer lines.  The City purchases its water from and transfers its sewage to the City of Daytona Beach.

Our purpose is to ensure that safe and potable water is provided to the public.  Our responsibilities include drinking water analysis, water quality assurance and meter readings, installation and repair.

Our purpose is to ensure that wastewater is efficiently and effectively collected from the public.  Our responsibilities include, pump and lift station repair and maintenance, sewer backup prevention and inspection.

The Public Works Department currently maintains 22 pump/lift stations throughout the City.  Wastewater is collected from residences in gravity mains.  These gravity mains are connected to various pump/lift stations that transport the sewage to the City of Daytona Beach for treatment.  Each lift station has an alarm system that warns when the station is being overloaded.  If you hear the alarm coming from the station please call the number located underneath the alarm signal.

Doug QuartierDouglas Quartier moved to South Daytona in 1961 from Syracuse New York. A life- long resident since that time, he graduated from Spruce Creek High School and
attended Daytona Beach Community College (now Daytona State College). He was sworn in as a City Councilmember in November 2018 and reelected without opposition in 2022.

After working at Halifax Hospital for several years, Doug joined the Daytona Beach Police Department in 1979. In 1980 he began his long career with the South Daytona Police Department. Rising through the ranks of the department, Doug was promoted to Captain and retired from the force in 2015.

Doug has been active in many community organizations including the South Daytona Historical Society, the South Daytona Lions Club and he is a lifetime member of the South Daytona Citizens Alert, where he currently serves as Vice President.

Doug and Tammy Quartier have been married for almost 30 years and have five children and seven grandchildren. Their youngest child, Kailynne died of a brain tumor at the age of 13. Her memory is honored during the annual Kailynne Quartier Memorial Ride benefitting the Lion's Club efforts to prevent childhood blindness.

Doug takes great pride in being a part of our City for more than five decades. He enjoys working with citizens, volunteering at City-sponsored events, and spending time traveling with his family.

Contact Information:
Ph: (386)299-6511
Email: dquartier@southdaytona.org

Past Chiefs

Roy Wilson

Roy Wilson

Ray Chenoweth

Ray Chenoweth

Charleton Futch

Charleton Futch

Jack Lynady

Jack R. Lynady

Frank Doughney

Frank J. Doughney

Russel Milne

Russel J. Milne

Clyde Heath

Clyde Heath

Jack Wallace

Jack D. Wallace

Gary White

Gary A. White

Bill Hall

William C. Hall

Ron Wright

Ronald R. Wright

Gerald Monahan

Gerald Monahan

 Tree Removal

Required for removing a Tree on a Residential Property

    1. Arborist Report from an International Society of Arborists
    2. Tree Removal Application
    3. Pictures of the Tree
    4. Site plan showing the location of the Tree on property.

All Applications may be submitted in person or by emailing BTR@southdaytona.org

How to Hire an Arborist?


    Fingerprints are taken by appointment only, Monday through Friday between 9am and 1pm. 

    If you are 5 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, your appointment will be canceled and will need to be rescheduled.

    If you are bringing a fingerprint card, DO NOT sign it prior to prints being taken.


    Non-South Daytona Residents: $10.00 per card
    South Daytona Residents: $5.00 per card

    Please click the link below to schedule your appointment.

    Book an appointment with South Daytona Police Department using SetMore

    You may also call the records department to schedule your appointment at 386-322-3030.

    Per City Code, a business within the city is required to obtain a Business Tax Receipt (BTR) prior to opening.
    Send an email to Community Development at BTR@southdaytona.org to check the address to ensure the business use is permitted within the zoning district.
    • The list of application options is Commercial, Residential (Home-Based), or Rental dwelling. 
    • For Commercial businesses, the Commercial Business Tax Receipt (BTR) application, business name registration with Sunbiz.org, Notarized Authorization from Property owner, State License if required, and Driver's License. 
    • For Home-Based businesses, the Home-Based Business Tax Receipt (BTR) application, business name registration with Sunbiz.org, Notarized Authorization of owner (if not owner of property owner), and Driver's license.
    • For Rental Dwellings Less than 6 months, Vacation, or month to month rentals a State License is required and Driver's license when submitting the Rental BTR Application. MyFloridaLicense.com – License efficiently. Regulate fairly
    • Please note registration with Sunbiz.org is only required, if not using Legal first and last name of business owner. 
    • If State license is required, please visit DBPR website MyFloridaLicense.com – License efficiently. Regulate fairly. to get started.
    • Submit all applications via e-mail at BTR@southdaytona.org
    • Only Completed applications will be accepted

    Commercial Business Tax Receipt Commercial Business Tax Receipt Application

    Home-Based Business Tax Receipt Home-Based Business Tax Receipt Application

    Rental Dwelling Business Tax Receipt Rental Dwelling Business Tax Receipt

    Commercial Business locations are required to pass a Building and Fire inspection prior to receiving their business tax receipt.

    All Business tax receipts are valid from October 1st through September 30th. Renewal Notices are mailed after July 1st.

    Lisa O'NealCouncilwoman Lisa O'Neal was first appointed to fill the temporary vacancy of Council Seat 4 until election in 2010, following the untimely passing of her husband, the late Mayor Blaine O'Neal.  Later that year, Lisa won her bid for City Council Seat 3 and continues to carry on her family's legacy of civil service.

    She served as Vice Mayor from 2018 to 2020. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Lisa has been a Florida resident since 1971. She graduated from Forest High School in Ocala, holds a master's degree in business administration, is a certified paralegal and licensed real estate agent.

    Lisa received additional training from the Florida League of Cities and the John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government at the Institute for Elected Municipal Officials. She is currently employed as the assistant to the Police Chief for the City of Holly Hill.

    Councilwoman O'Neal participates in many civic and community events and continues her involvement in organizations such as the South Daytona Citizens' Alert. She is a member of the National Association for Professional Women.

    Her past service includes four years as an architectural review board member with her homeowners' association and four years on the Volusia League of Cities' Executive Committee.

    Lisa enjoys spending time with her son, Blaine, and step-daughter Riley. In her spare time she likes to cook, read and travel.

    Contact Information:
    Ph: (386)322-3014
    Email: bwitte@southdaytona.org

    South Daytona Police Recruitment  romero  mendoza

    Before you ask...Yes! We are hiring police officers: 


    How to become a police officer in Florida

    Click here to find out

     Current Openings:

    Application Process 

    Applicants are required to complete an online application SDPD APPLICATION (Click to access). When applying for a sworn position with the South Daytona Police Department you will be expected to complete: 

    • Oral Board Interview
    • Background Investigation
    • Psychological Evaluation
    • Polygraph Evaluation
    • Physical Agilities Test
    • Interview with the Chief of Police 


    Benefits & Opportunities 

    Benefits Include: 

    • Paid Time Off 
    • Medical, Vision, and Dental Insurance 
    • Tuition Reimbursement 
    • Deferred Retirement Option Plan (D.R.O.P.) 
    • 25-Year Pension Plan 
    • Take-Home Car Program 
    • All Equipment Supplied by the Department 
    • 12-Hour Shifts/ 15 Days Off Per Month 


    Opportunities for Advanced and Specialized Assignments: 

    • Criminal Investigations Division 
    • School Resource Officer 
    • Field Training Officer (Higher Rate of Pay) 
    • Drone Pilot 
    • Traffic Homicide Investigations 
    • SWAT 
    • Drug Recognition Expert

    **The City of South Daytona is an Equal Opportunity Employer

    Eric SanderA native of South Daytona, Eric graduated from Mainland Sr. High School ('74) and went on to earn a BA in Natural Science from the University of South Florida. After college, Eric found work in Ponce Inlet as mate on the headboat Snow White III and then on the charterboat Little Dolphin before partnering with his brother, Norman to buy a boat they named JAWSOME to participate in the newly formed commercial shark fishery. He expanded his shark fishing business by buying a larger vessel named MARSEA.

    In 1998 Eric took an opportunity to "switch hats" and work for the State of Florida's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute as a field and research biologist conducting recreational fishing surveys with fishermen at docks, piers, and boat ramps. He was the Regional Coordinator for the North East Florida region and was responsible for the completion of the fishery surveys and sea observer trips scheduled for the region.

    Eric departed FWRI in 2019 to focus on his own business of publishing fish identification charts, guides, and rulers for saltwater anglers. He continues to facilitate national workshops for NOAA Fisheries Service that trains federally permitted seafood dealers in a specific method of shark species identification that he developed.

    Eric began his over 20 years of service to South Daytona as a member of the Code Enforcement Board in 2001. He has also served on the Land Development & Regulations Board, 10 years as Chairman, and the Planning and Appeals Board, also as Chairman before running in 2020 for Seat 4 of the City Council. He became Vice-Mayor in November, 2022.

    Eric and his wife Kim have been married for over 25 years. They enjoy all things Florida and traveling together.

    Contact Information:
    Ph: (386)852-8588
    Email: esander@southdaytona.org

    South Daytona Police Department Policies

    Use of Force

    In keeping aligned with guidelines provided by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Professional Standards via Accreditation, both the South Daytona Police Department along with City Officials recognize the level of importance and responsibility that is attached to police Use of Force. To provide balance and accountability, it is the goal of the South Daytona Police Department to remain transparent which is directly in line with policies and procedures. With that said, the South Daytona Police Department will ensure our Use of Force policy is available and easily accessible. This includes both electronic or written access upon request. A hyperlink is provided (below) on our website as well as a current tangible copy which may be obtained by visiting the Police Department Records Division.  Use of Force Policy

    The South Daytona Police Department Records Department is responsible for providing police incident reports, accident reports, addressing issues with parking citations and any general information requests.  Our mailing address is 1672 S. Ridgewood Avenue South Daytona FL 32119. We strive to provide the public with the highest level of customer service and accurate public records in a timely fashion.

    Records Division Hours 8am-4:30pm
    Fingerprinting - *By Appointment Only* -> Click Here

    Police/Accident Reports
    Pursuant to FSS 119, only individuals named in an accident report may obtain a copy of that report for the first 60 days. Photo identification is required. After 60 days, the general public may obtain a copy of the report in person, online or via mail.

    All Police reports are generally available 3-5 business days after the date of occurrence. Public records requests are processed in the order in which they are received. All reports will be reviewed pursuant to FSS 119 prior to release.

    Disclaimer: Records Division personnel cannot provide legal advice

    Domestic Violence ResourceThe Beacon Center is a local resource for domestic violence victims and provides a 24-hour hotline, an emergency shelter, and resources for children. They also provide free legal help with injunctions and child welfare cases.


    Marsy's Law and Victim's Rights

    Register a Pet

    Sexual Offenders/Predators Information

    Traffic Enforcement

    Crime Mapping

    FCIC Public Access System

    National Hurricane Center

    FEMA - Protect Your Property Brochures

    FDOT - Active Projects

    FLHSMV - Driver's License Check

    Be A Florida Hero


    This online traffic complaint link is designed to allow citizens of South Daytona to report directly to SDPD traffic enforcement division. It is only for TRAFFIC PROBLEM(s) that are occurring either in neighborhoods or on a particular roadway within the City. Some examples of such problems may include vehicles speeding, running stop signs, making illegal turns, failing to yield at crosswalks, and parking violations.

    This link is not designed to handle a complaint about having received a traffic citation or to complain about the behavior of a member of the SDPD team. When you submit this form, an officer may contact you to clarify information, report enforcement activity planned, or to follow up with you on the results of your concern.

    Therefore, your contact information is necessary. Anonymous complaints will be received, but it can hinder actions from being taken. Your information is considered vital to the process, so please assist us so we can assist you!

    Submit a Traffic Complaint